Saturday, May 16, 2009

cinema design

"...CinemaDesign is a project that aims to gather exceptinal information that the internet has on film, TV, web, video and all forms of art in motion, and relate them to the wonderful world of design." Mainly interesting movie posters, fan art and concept designs can be found on this blog. Unfortunately only in Portuguese language but worth a look since the site offers a great number of image material.


Clovis Jacob said...

Hi, I'm the owner of cinemaDESIGN, and i appreciate your post. Thank you! Only a correction, my blog is in Portuguese language (not spanish -- very closely). I have planes to make it available in english soon. So, wait a little!

Oh, and a like yours too! Is on my bookmarks.

conceptdesignworkshop said...

@Clovis Jacob:
thanks for your comment and sorry about the mistake. I'll fix it. Great to hear about an English version. I will keep an eye on it. cheers.